Fri 2021-Apr-02

Well, that didn't take long

Tagged: COVID / Politics

As we’ve seen before, the biggest group of American vaccine refuseniks are White Republicans (especially men). Guess who’s swooping in to take up their vaccine supply?

Supply vs Demand

In the US, basically everybody except White Republicans wants to be vaccinated, and they want it right now!

"Axios: White Republican vaccine hesitancy"

In the US, vaccines are allocated (approximately!) by population density. While Republicans do tend to be rural and hence lower population density, their weak uptake of vaccines means there apparently tend to be vaccines left over in their areas. This leads to shortages of vaccines in the Democratic areas, where everybody wants to be vaccinated and is fighting to get to the head of the line. Meanwhile, the Republican areas have spare capacity due to their weak uptake.

It didn’t take long for it to dawn on people in Democratic areas searching for vaccine appointments that there was the seed of a strategy here:

McCarty @ Twitter: Google Trump landslides to find vaccines

Matsumoto @ Twitter: Examples of unused vaccine in Trumpy areas

Well, if you’re not gonna use it, somebody else will.

Published Fri 2021-Apr-02

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