Tue 2022-Aug-09

COVID-19: Day 15

Tagged: COVID / PharmaAndBiotech

So… 15 days into COVID-19.

Still positive

I’m still positive as of this morning, albeit with a faint line on the RAT test. Fever & chills last night made it clear my body is still really unhappy. I had a brief window of negative testing after paxlovid, but then the rebound hit me and is still here.

The Weekend Editrix has been symptomatic for about a week, but regularly testing negative. So she went to the doctor today and… tested positive. So something was wrong with either the tests she was using or how they were used. Now we’re in the “comedy of errors” phase, trying to schedule a telemedicine visit for her to decide if she gets paxlovid.

The American healthcare system is not only absurdly expensive, but also needlessly cruel.

Addendum 2022-Aug-09, afternoon

We finally got past the medical front office staff, whose main function seems to be not preventive health care, but to prevent health care by playing medical masquerade. We reached somebody who would schedule a telemedicine appointment for the Weekend Editrix.

Ten minutes later, talking to an extremely reasonable physician, she had a scrip for paxlovid. I honestly don’t understand why we make this so hard! The actual physician part works just fine, it’s everything else that’s broken.

After a short sail in the Weekend Zeppelin, I rappelled down a line into the pharmacy and got the paxlovid. A quick skyhook pickup later, we sailed homeward and gave her the first dose amid great relief.

Notes & References

1: Nope.

Published Tue 2022-Aug-09

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